love is a game of tic -tac- toe, constantly waiting for the next x or o. Assalamualaikum there! It has been awhile for not posting any new entry here. Currently having pack and hectic schedule as life being a student. Dealing with bundle of assignments, quizzes and midterms which never come to end hihihi. So decide to share something new with you my beautiful readers ;p . Today's entry will be about love ;p so cliche ;p ..nay nay.My entry will talk about my passion and love toward literature wonderland. How wonderful to chew those beautiful and meaningful masterpieces written by a talented author. My favorite author will always be Lang Leav. How I wish to collaborate some works with you in writing the poems. Inn sya Allah one fine day nah ;p but It will be more Islamic la noh hahaha. Lang Leav ,do you know who is she? I bet some of you have read her books title 'Love & Misadventure and Lullabies. If you never come across with those ...