
Showing posts from 2015

kaki menari ke sana sini : Redang ke kita

Assalamualaikum , Hello beautiful readers! Hope everyone doing fine :) Many thank to Allah swt, for this beautiful life that He showers to us. Alhamdulilah :) So this time entry, will talk about  vacation while I was in Redang. I promise you to share everything regarding the holiday but please get ready with the pictures. Jangan muntah hijau pulak part selfies itu hahaha. One thing you should know, when I was in Redang  I'm currently on study week. I'd Arabic paper on 22 August (Saturday) and we went on 16 August.Oh dear only Allah knew how freaked I am. To be frank, we did plan for this holiday for a long time . kejap jadi kejap tak tapi end up jadi. hahaha tapi masalahnya my dear Nani tu buat kejutan, hampir nak pitam cik esah & kakak min bila mek nani tu call " eh siap2 la packing barang, petang ni pergi Terenggganu, kita pergi Redang! I was like apa mek ahaha terpingga-pinga sambil senyum sejenak seketika. Kelam kabut lah kita packing main pakai remba...

My Taste buds say 'wow'

Assalamualaikum there! Previously on Ramadan ago I went to Nu Central for break fast. Amirah brought me to B-bap , a Korean cuisine restaurant. To be frank I'm not the biggest fan of Korean foods. The reason was that my taste buds tasted them weird like weh baik makan budu hahaha! Somehow that night I  screwed up! Masya Allah it tasted so good and  guessed what we visited twice then. ehm,our national tongue had said 'tak kenal maka tak cinta' oops, dah  terkena sepercik  :p  My personal opinion , I would say the foods're extremely delicious and tasted so fine. The ingredients and the flavors that they used are fresh, well seasoned and perfectly cooked. Trust me your stomach would not stop smiling while munched on their main course up to the dessert. I choosed Dol Sot Bibimbap for the main course while Mirah enjoyed Rameon Ta- Boki. It sounded too mouthful right? ehm terqeliat lidah saia ;p Basically, Dol sot was a warm fine ri...