kaki menari ke sana sini : Redang ke kita

Assalamualaikum , Hello beautiful readers! Hope everyone doing fine :) Many thank to Allah swt, for this beautiful life that He showers to us. Alhamdulilah :)

So this time entry, will talk about  vacation while I was in Redang.
I promise you to share everything regarding the holiday but please get ready with the pictures. Jangan muntah hijau pulak part selfies itu hahaha.

One thing you should know, when I was in Redang  I'm currently on study week. I'd Arabic paper on 22 August (Saturday) and we went on 16 August.Oh dear only Allah knew how freaked I am. To be frank, we did plan for this holiday for a long time . kejap jadi kejap tak tapi end up jadi. hahaha tapi masalahnya my dear Nani tu buat kejutan, hampir nak pitam cik esah & kakak min bila mek nani tu call " eh siap2 la packing barang, petang ni pergi Terenggganu, kita pergi Redang! I was like apa mek ahaha terpingga-pinga sambil senyum sejenak seketika. Kelam kabut lah kita packing main pakai rembat je apa yang ada dekat rumah. 

At 4 in the evening we headed to Terengganu with Mr. Handsome Harrier drove by Nani. Since we using LPT ( Lebuh Raya Pantai Timur) It took only 3 hours to reached Terengganu! Yea hahaha.. Once arrived , we dropped by at Cik's place. Jumpa cik yang comel tu,gomol2 pekena buah salak sikit,, borak2 sikit then blah. hahaha. We slept at Anis's because our flight to Redang was at 9 in the morning. ahahaha flight sangat!  We took ferry at Shah Bandar Jetty. It was included in the package and it was my second time rode ferry, perasaan tetap sama, so nothing special hahaha.

Basically, our package included return ferry or boat transfer to Redang Island, double breakfast, lunches, afternoon teas  as well as dinner and BBQ (on the last day). To add, three snorkeling trips also has been included in the package. The package price per person for 3 days and 2 nights depended on what type of package that you preferred. As for us, we picked triple sharing package and since it was on weekday it only costed at least RM 310. Otherwise if it was on weekend or public holidays the price quite expensive. For any inquiries please contact the numbers  below. Cik esah tampal siap2 okay , nanti korang check it out yea.

Redang Lagoon Chalet
Tel: 09-666 5018 /09-666 5020
Fax: 09-666 5019
Hp: 019-914 0083

So far, I'm satisfied with the package though the service  sometime terrible.  Terrible in the way that.. alah service lah..kadang-kadang mintak towel dapat lambat..haa macam tu lah lebih kurang. The rest okay je ;) 
Our room quite okay.. three single beds include air condition as well as well-equipped bedroom. No television  since it's holiday. So yeah, enjoy the moment. Sipped the fresh air accompanied by the lullaby of the waves. ehm ;) Orait layan gambar sikit  then I continued. ;p
Curi-curi selfie while nani drove hahaha
Heading to Terengganu
Thank you super pilot; Nani
We love you!

Catching the sunset along the highway hahaha
Touch down Pulau Redang!
Those happy faces ;)
Okay sambung sikit lagi, haa teruja lah tu tengok gambar hahaha. So we took ferry at 9 am and we arrived around 11 .1 hrs 45 min to be exact.  Most of the time cik esah and the gang tidur je lah dalam feri tu hahaha. Once arrived , oh dear no words can't described how happy and bless're we. The island was so beautiful and magnificent. The crystal blue water accompanied with the music of the waves welcomed us.there're trucks provided which to bfring us to the chalet. Ehm special x hahaha. Every resorts, chalets did this. Jangan risau nak kena jalan terkedek2 bawak luggage.. Everything had been prepared. ;) 

First thing that we did was that checked-in and had lunch. Then, we're getting ready for our first snorkeling trip at 2.30 in the noon. haa mau x sun burn den. hahaha Please don't forget to bring along sun block yea. The first snorkeling trip, they brought us to Nail Island. It was a beautiful place but the corals'were not that mesmerized. Here the story that I wanted to share. It was such an experience to snorkel around the island. The freaking part was that , we rode a boat. What I mean boat here ehm our national tongue can be best described as "bot tongkang" hahaha bot kayu tu..bezanya besar sikit je dari perahu. I was totally freaked out and super excited. Merentasi lautan berbekalkan doa dan life jacket. Allahu, it  such an experience I tell ya. 

Hello Mr.truck

I'm fall for you
Jangan risau setiap pokok ada buai ni,jangan rebut
,sorang satu dapat hahaha
Our place for days
While in Island be like
Jom snorkeling
Nah  hakak payung sikit ;p

We learnt from mistakes for the first snorkeling trip. hahaha mengada sangat nak bwak shades, topi , gajet bagai. hahaha no need okay. enjoy the moment!
so, yes we learnt from it. No more shades except goggles and life jackets hahaha. Don't worry about taking pictures while you in the sea. You can rent digital camera from the shop nearby and of course we did too hahaha! 

Digital camera by Sony cybershot
snap dengan ikang la kita

species apa xtau,,kuat betul makan
Obor-obor mugkin hahaha
I don't know

Macam pirana dapat lauk. kemain depa ni
asslamualaikum wiwit
Hello there
Ikan kembung ;p

manis ye tangan kita ni awak

Finding Nemo


si emas buat gapo sore diri tu

Only Allah knows how terrible sick I am. I on PMS on that day.
senggugut kaw2 punya. sedih tau! wuargh!
Penat snoreling rasa macam merentasi tujuh lautan
So those pictures're sum up of three times snorkeling trips. Now lets continued with the activity that we did while in the island. During night after dinner, there was no special activity included in the package. Usually, the visitors just loitering around the resorts&chalets and enjoying the bands. There're also shops ,outlets ,kopitiam, restaurants, bars and etc. Makanya gais, malam2 korang chill lepak2 je kat buai tu sambil layan internet hahaha. Rajin lagi pergi lah berjalan satu resort tu..usha2 mamat saleh bangla dan sekufu dengannya hahaha.Malam cantik lah because the lights sparked romantic and soothing mood. Ini gang yang nak honeymoon syok lah,,ley fefeling jalan tepi pantai sambil ditemani lampu2 cinta hahaha! macam kat Pattaya pulak dah,kihkihkih. 
I love you this big
Pelangi Senja
tapi pelangi xde hahaha
Love these two to the bits

Hello sayang. I miss you, wish you here.
Nani sayang ;)
Sipping on the sweet nectar
The 3 stooges

So I guess, that it for this time entry hahaha, I think I'd provided everything regarding the package, foods and activities.Hope it helped you. Just would like to remind don't forget to bring sun block, lotion, hat,shades and apart of all be prepared for everything especially the ladies. Bring you secret weapon hahaha because sometimes we don't know that we'd crazy menstrual pain. so be prepared. Thank God I bring the ointment and other weapons hahaha. And yes about the attire, for the women I suggest to wear a swim suit that really covering your aurat and make sure it is light and comfort. Choose black color so it can cover everything. Hahaha.! Oh before I forget, yes please bring snacks ,hey bukan nak bagi makan ikan.untuk kita malam2 nak kunyah kudap-kudap. hahaha dekat sana ada je kedai tapi mahal lah,,so bawak siap2 dari rumah. Bring along charger ,powerbank, Nyawa tu especially bila malam xde aktiviti so boleh la main Internet hahaha!

Okay that it, before I pen off  I would like to say THANK YOU for my dear cousin, nani aka kakak ya.. Thank you for this blissful vacation. I really had fun while being there.. sorry for any wrong doings if I did hahaha. Inn sya Allah next trip we go abroad. wish to be in London hahaha. wiwit. So much love for this two babies. I love you guys so much.. I do! Orait guys, till we meet again..enjoy the pictures. Bye good night!
xoxo, meksah.
Tahi lalat inter frame sikit ;p
Catching the sunset glowy around the cloud,

Bakor jangan xbakor.

So much love for this Island,
 Inn sya Allah we meet you again
The hardest goodbye ;(
Last day in the island
Pasar Payang. wajib spot before balik

Keropok Seberang Takir wajib beli okay sayang sekalian
leni senang xyah g seberang Takir cari je kat Pasar payang

Full House, baru bertiga hadui,pitam
Alhamdulilah we finally home. Thank you for the memories girls.



  1. i am one holiday runner for redanglagoon chalet and few more resort/chalet at redang island

    Anyone interesting about holiday to redang holiday...
    just call/whatsapp at my num..0179799773 or visit my fb page


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