cik esah ke che ta (Part 1)

Asssalamualaikum there, Ya Allah berhabuk blog fuh it has been really awhile for not posting anything here! Anyway, today I would  devote  some me time :p for updating new entry. So , today entry is quite special and so many things will be updated. I just can't wait to complete this hahaha. I guess,  you must be wondering with the title.. it sounds too optimistic and perasan hahaha. Kemain che ta sangat kan hahaha! 

Anyway, this entry is all about my lose weight journey which I've started on February this year. So to what extent I decide to cut off my weight and what really trigger me to do so? what will be the reasons? Many of my friends asked this question and they even said this to me "cik esah nak kahwin eh, ahahahah oh nak kahwin kena kurus lah? gitu? hahaha that's really intense and funny okay! hohohoho (okay kunyah popcorn sambil menitik air mata)

 ;[ There are several reasons; firstly, I really want to get in shape after so long being a fatty pumpkin ;( I mean it. If you were in my shoes I bet you'll know how it feels when you can't fit into old kurungs, jeans and what not. The saddest part is that, when you wish to buy new blouse but you can't fit into it. You even blame the materials,the size. As for me I'll always goes this way..hmm ambik M & L lah XL ni besar sangat, dah lah pendek..nanti mesti gelebeh nampak macam guni..end up xmuat pun!! and you've to fit in XL size.. hahaha sedih kan..but that's the reality! hahahaha!

Next, I want to be fit and healthy.. previously I eat too many junk foods and I never do any cardiovascular activities. ehm bukan le tak pernah buat langsung tapi jarang dia macam 10 purnama haaa gitu kihkihkih. Lastly, lack of confidence.. I start to feel bad on how people stare and judge about the way I walk,the way I dress. paranoid? no.. but some sort of feeling of being not happy and your confident level start to decline.  I always goes this way.. eerr my butt looks like elephant ;{ besaqnya! 

(Turning point)
So, in  February right  after CNY breaks I decide to text kak yatie aka coach Yatie which I found her page in Facebook. There're so many testimony where lot of bambam people success and they cut off some kgs which is awesome. I in awe and speechless. menitik air liur tengok gambar testimoni yang bambam semua jadi slim melim macam che ta hahaha..serious talk okay! baik lelaki perempuan, tua muda semua join dalam hati wau hebatnya coach ni.

One thing I love about this journey is that as I browse on the meal plan there is NASI aww nasi? you really mean it? tak boleh jadi ni memang kena text kak yatie! So I text kak yatie she explains everything and yes I'm in! Basically, I join online weight loss coaching by coach Yatie Nadzli. I call her kak yatie by the way ;) we never meet before but we're that so joyah joyah loyar2 buruk  gitu hahaha kak yatie tak cik esah je hihihi..a very down to earth person and sweet kakak. meow. hihihi. All this while we just contact through What-apps and phone. Then only after 21 days after I lose 4kgs kak yatie meets me at my humble abode thank you kak all way from Shah Alam just to reach Uia. Kak Yatie quite surprises as I loss number of kgs within 21 days. haaa kalau dia terkejut cik esah ni lagi lah. hihihi so yeah that how it happens. Kak yatie analysis berat semua, cerita macam-macam dari pasal lemak, penyakit sampailah ke tips. 

Now, I bet you must curious with the word 'coach' biasa ku dengar tapi dimana ya..haaaa cepat teka. 'happy coach happy me' , 'lose weight' 'ask me how' those are famous tagline kihkih so can you guess now?  roll on the drum bell pon pon pon yup it's HERBALIFE . So yes this nutritious food has been included in the meal plans. Okay jap before you guys jump into conclusion please get rid those skeptical mind.
I know you guys will come across this 'ooo no wonder pakai HERBALIFE (HB). patutlah' no for that stereotypical judgement hihihi. I bet you guys must also be curious on how much I spend, how many products I have to take, how long it lasts , does it really works on me? don't you feel hungry? you yakin ke consume ni? kalau tak ambil ni diet jalan lagi tak? nanti kalau stop berat naik tak? and the lists go on sabaq ceq I try to answer everything here okay don't worry. kurus cantik sama2 okay pinky promise sikit meow, hihihi.

So , I only spend Rm 1** for shake within 21 days which to be consumed for my breakfast. Gapo shake tu budu ko hahaha.. shake is a nutritious food which have so many nutrients but low in calorie. It comes into many flavours like cookie n cream, strawberry, cappuccino, tropical fruit and so forth. How does it tastes? It tastes like hershey hik hik if you'd cookie n cream flavor. cookie tu crunchy.. meletup2 dalam mulut tastes wonderful. kenyang tak? of course sayang.. kenapa? sebab it a mixed soy protein drink which far better than your smoothie and granola bars.

What if kalau tak nak shake ni boleh jalan tak diet? of course lah boleh sebab shake ni bukan ubat kurus it is a nutritious food. Macam ni, shake dicipta hahaha wah dicipta kau kih2 ..okay shake is made for those who running out time especially in the morning who late for preparing breakfast and out of idea on what to have. So once you have this drink you jimat masa, duit, tak payah pening2 nak fikir makan apa dah. Kenyang pun kenyang enough to sustain your breakfast calorie berkhasiat ye jugak. Settle. khalas! Okay to be fair lah kalau tak nak jugak okay takpe, so you prepare you breakfast . A very clean and nutritious meal,will you? tepuk dada tanya selera ;)  Okay layan gambar sikit, then I continue. 

who's that girl? ;(
This picture is taken during CNY break
February 2016

almost 70 kg mak!
mahu tak nya dah melantak  tak ingat donia
workout apa pun tak buat
so ni hasilnya.

Glad, I'm finally make a right decision.
better late than never sayang ;)
right after 21 days I already lost  4kgs
My coach, my savior, my kak yatie ;)
cookie n cream
rasa macam hershey ;p
berat mata memandang
berat lagi berat cik esah
hik hik hik
tropical fruit
bau pisang
bulih le buat lepas gian kat coq pisang
kih kih kih       
You can't have it anytime
can be save up to one month depend on how many times
 you consume in a day.
shake ni pun boleh letak nestum, oat
letak pisang, chia seed,kurma etc
haaa jangan letak budu sudoh
Penat ke baca? hahaha sikit lagi okay kasi can lah lama tak update hahaha! As for this part I would talk about the meal plan, my healthy groceries locker, the snacks and how I pack my lunch box. Ready? okay tarik nafas!  Kak yati has prepared the meal plans for 21 days together with the recipes. Waa bestnya percuma.. beli shake je semata mata! and the rest is free! haa tak cerita lagi pasal video workout..haa yang tu pun sat stay tune! we go one by one nah the meal plans is the genius and superb idea ever.

 Why? because you eat 5 times in a day and you even can enjoy your rice and snack! wow.. hihihi so what're the menu  jeng jeng jeng a complete meal which consists of carb, protein,fibre and fat. Meaning to say a small bowl of rice , steam/grill protein except red meat ,steamed veggies and fruits. No more cheese, no more creamy gravy gulai2 xmau nah ceq. Singgang/ sup a big yes. Ayam/ikan bakar + air asam is acceptable. Raw and plain salad is a yes on the list. Nasi putih segenggam aka satu penumbuk sahaja. Eat clean for only 21 days. Don't feel bad about it infact you feel better and start to appreciate your body. betul, tak caya cuba dulu ;)

 As for snek you can enjoy fruits and nuts. Okay part ni jot down betul2 when I say you can enjoy fruits and nut it does not mean you can have like tonnes of it hahaha, oh hang ingat dah makan nasi segenggam nak pulun buah sampai 5 biji lah hahaha nay hee hey haa priya.. no no no. Fruits on the other hands have high calorie too. There's sugar in them so be wise. An apple a day should be enough. Okay? The nuts the only acceptable are cashew, almond and walnut. hat ni pun segenggam ja na.. hahaha.. sungguh okay..segenggam ja. ahaa most importantly it must be free from salt.. beli yang plain. You can enjoy those snek at 10 am in the morning and during the evening around 4 pm.

 Regarding lunch box, I enjoy prepare my lunch box ;) I do have so much fun hahaha. I feel like Jamie Oliver gitu hahaha. Haa mesti pelik, ada pulak masanya sedia makanan, masak tang mana. haaa jeng jeng jeng. My lunch box is the easier prep on earth ever. I prepare after I perform my Subuh  so sempat lah kelas at 8.30 so memang sempat je.

What I have for lunch uhuu.. healthy delicious tuna sandwich, friends of apples sometimes oranges sometimes banana and cashew for the snek. Okay this is another important part the only acceptable bread is whole grain  gardenia bread either the green pack or the purple . The protein prefer to have tuna chunks in the water or eggs. Dressing will be kewpie mayonnaise mild type, chili flakes and white pepper. I also have the salads for example cherry tomatoes and rocket salads. So it a complete meal right? You have the carb, protein,fat and mineral. Sometimes I also have pasta with tuna, again I highlight tuna chunk in water not as in the sunflower oil ka olive oil ka no no no it's in the water okay.

Now scroll down the pictures and you'll know how serious I am about this journey. muehehehe. Regarding the meal plans if you wish to know more please visit Coach Yatie Nadzli facebook page yeaah!

awal awal ada ni je hahaha
text kak yatie
dia cakap good job ecah!
sebab sebelum ni locker penuh jajan hahaha
once coach dah bagi list groceries
ha hambik
tudia warna warni
mission wrap whole grain okay
Happy me
jangan nak mengada  nak suruh bawak  tong gas
ni pun dah okay
bilikku dapurku

practice jadi isteri mithali

abang nak makan apa bang
kita makan sup sayur buh teloq nah
jangan mintak parpu teloq
nampak pisau ni  
tuna chunks in water, a pinch of mayo and dash of chili flakes
mash avocado and chicken slice
anyway chicken slice ni tinggi sodium so better jangan ambik
maap coach, banker belikan

hello there
cik esah lunch box
pasta anyone? extra spicy because I'm that freaking
spicy big fan!
bermuda triangle
cik esah lunch box
yummy gummy tummy
complete lunch box by yours truly
cik esah
my healthy box
bento set. pilih salmon atau chicken je
ini lulus 
tuna +rocket salad & chili flakes+lemon = perfect
minion set lunch
snacking time
snacking time
choose the plain instead the mixed fruits
Okay we done with that part now the most crucial gist which help me lot in cutting off those bad fat! It cardiovascular time! yeay! or nay? hihihi  kak yatie has also prepared work out video which I call insanity workout video ever ahhhh hahaha! It takes 25 minutes to burn the calorie and you lose 7kgs! hahaha in my case lah ;p You sweat like weh kau berendam dalam sauna ke hahaha.. haa gitu le nak describe ,  and guess what how much calorie it burnt? almost 300 kcal yo.. 25 minit, 300 kalori terbakaq,,haaa sapa nak kasi ceq oii.. tak payah dah pergi gym, duduk diam buat dekat dalam bilik,settle bai .khalas.

Okay nak cerita sikit, since I stay in hostel as I live in compartment so I did my T25 workout in that cute cubicle.. ehm part paling best as I that kind of shy2 cat person ..I did very quietly ahahahaha sampai roommate, mek mirah tu pun tak perasan tau2 pergi bilik dia ni gapo peluh2 ni emm t25mek.. loh siap dah? dah mek . hahaha mahu tak dengor dah tutup langsir,pasang volume bawah 10..hahaha tau2 bunyi tercuggap2 je kihkihkih.. how to say ahh.. it's not I don't want to expose but I that very shy person meh.. hihihihi. As for the first and second week I did almost everyday whenever there is free time I will do it.. awal2 sem tak busy so I 'devote' some me time doing T25. Ehm, when I on semester break , I also did T25 at home haaa nampak tak betapa jitu dalam melaksanakan misi hahaha. kudos! 
okay yang ni buat dekat hall dalam bilik
hahaha sebab masa ni tinggal berdua dengan mek mirah
dia pun nak join
so we did together

T25 live in my cute cubicle
yes I did in my compartment
mesti tak percaya kan
ni dekat rumah
yang ni double t25
masa ni dekat rumah
almaklum le temptation nye memang menguji jiwa
so double terus nak bakaq balik
yes I did almost everyday
 during my semester break
t25 lively in Temerloh yo
 okay kita bebel sikit lagi then I sajikan gambar2 je boleh? hahaha . Throughout this journey water is your best friend. All this while many people aim for marriage goal, vacation goal, handbag goal  etc etc.. so water on the other hands  also need to be measured.

Water goal ;) every 25kg should consume 1.5litre of water. So in my case I've to drink at least 4-5 litre everyday. serious cha you minum banyak ni? tak pe ke? tak gemuk air? nanti asyik ulang alik pergi tandaslah.. alah leceh lah.. okay guys.. the concept of 'gemuk air' is nothing related to water but it comes from the food.. kandungan garam yang tinggi penyebab gemuk air. wah genius jawapan hahaha.. betul ya tak tipu you can ask the expert..there is no such thing gemuk air is related to water.

NO! and one more thing minum banyak2 ni tak pe ke.. okay now I'm asking you makan nasi banyak2 tu macam mana pulak? hahaha sinis betul.. okay jangan marah.. macam ni bila kita minum air banyak..air akan detoks aka cuci segala macam anasir dalam badan betul? kita kencing tak? kencing kan so pengeluaran liquid tu berlaku.. yang bahaya tu bila minum tak kencing2 (hahaha ada ke) and you drink until become bloated. itu masalah.. so how to drink many litres in day.. best way every 3o minutes you must complete 500ml..see within hour you get 1litre. easy peasy right. 

the more you drink the shrink you be
hik hik hik
water goal
okay my bottle dah dapat handbag baru
kalau tak jenuh pegang
tumbuh muscle den
So , I guess I have done celoteh alhamdulilah I manage to lose 7kgs.. my ideal weight is 56kg  can't wait to reach that number! yuhuuu! throughout this journey I learnt many things.. one of them determination. You really have to be determined enough to succeed. You really need to be consistent and strong. Lantak pi apa orang nak cakap pekakkan telinga kita buat je kerja kita . Mulut orang takkan pernah berhenti especially mengunyah hahaha yeah, believe in yourself prove them that you're much more better. So I share few more pictures regarding my weight progress. Inn sya Allah in the next entry I'll continue once I reach 56 ;)

Doakan okay! Before I pen off, I would like to express my gratitude to kak yatie aka coach yatie..thank you kak.. you really help me lots in this journey. thank you so much.. to mama aka cik timah hahaha thank you for everything.. ehem dia banker cik esah.. hahaha..orang yang selalu support dari jauh dekat depan belakang..thank you..

To my dear roommate ameera.. haa mek ni pun banyak bersabar gila..dia lah jadi juru foto..dialah peneman cari penimbang..cari lunch box,,beli groceries hahaha..thank you so much mek.. finally to my self..dear self,we make it .. the struggle paid off. syukur.. thank you Allah..thank you kak yatie..thank you herbalife. I will share pictures after this  somehow, I haven't talk or cover that much but I just try to include in the captions yeah..hope it helps!anyway thank you for your time..hope this entry really assist and I do appreciate if you have questions or anything else to ask.. you may leave comment or just reach me at facebook Dania Ikhwani . Thank you again,bye..Assalamualaikum!

Install apps ni ,cari dekat google play
key in weight and height
then you'll know how much calorie you need in a day
then update your daily intake in the diary. 

remuk hati
akhirnya bercantum jua
ewah gitu
consistency is the key
wow, baby I make it!
don't be same, be better

senyum ;)
tak perlu kata apa2
alhamdulillah, tq Allah ;)
work hard ,paid off

berat masa ni between 66-64kg
paling penting dah boleh sarung baju kurung lama tu!
* keputusan tidak tipikal hasil individu adalah berbeza

2kg tu banyak bezanya ya
berlakunya inch loss
paling penting body fat turun
*keputusan tidak tipikal hasil individu adalah berbeza
Bila body fat turun , inch loss berlaku
bila inch loss terjadi
terhasilnya reshaping di bahagian tertentu
contoh muka
say goodbye to pipi pau
*keputusan tidak tipikal hasil individu adalah berbeza
jangan kau ragu2 sayang
anda mampu mengubahnya
inch loss di bahagian lengan dan si buncit cantik
*keputusan tidak tipikal hasil individu adalah berbeza
latest picture
4 April
I'm fasting on that day
look so energetic
one word
*keputusan tidak tipikal hasil individu adalah berbeza

zain dah ada malik je tak de
atap zink
kemain sedondon noh
this is on my birthday
6 April
*keputusan tidak tipikal hasil individu adalah berbeza

Akhirnyaaaaa ;)

Hit No 5
Dah kurus boleh jadi duta bella ammara hahaha
perasaannnn nyeee

Boleh sarung kebayaaa
ai sukaaa
Semenjak dah rucing suka selfie
allah  (tepuk dahi)

bye for now
inshaallah will update soon
keep inspiring,
believe in yourself',
never give up,
now or never!


  1. such an honest and inspiring review dear cik esah. im so proud of you! Who said cik esah cannot be che ta? Show em the abs. Ehh! Coming soon. Hahaa

    1. Hihihi thank you sifuπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ sama2 kita doa spaya ramai yg nk jadi mcm kita..πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ ehm raya ni kita kasi perut berlesung pipitπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜˜πŸ˜

    2. Hihihi thank you sifuπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ sama2 kita doa spaya ramai yg nk jadi mcm kita..πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ ehm raya ni kita kasi perut berlesung pipitπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜˜πŸ˜


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