cik esah ke che ta (Part 1)

Asssalamualaikum there, Ya Allah berhabuk blog fuh it has been really awhile for not posting anything here! Anyway, today I would devote some me time :p for updating new entry. So , today entry is quite special and so many things will be updated. I just can't wait to complete this hahaha. I guess, you must be wondering with the title.. it sounds too optimistic and perasan hahaha. Kemain che ta sangat kan hahaha! Anyway, this entry is all about my lose weight journey which I've started on February this year . So to what extent I decide to cut off my weight and what really trigger me to do so? what will be the reasons? Many of my friends asked this question and they even said this to me "cik esah nak kahwin eh, ahahahah oh nak kahwin kena kurus lah? gitu? hahaha that's really intense and funny okay! hohohoho (okay kunyah popcorn sambil menitik air mata) ;[ There are several reasons; firstly, I really want to get in shape after so long being a fatt...