Uni Life. Part 1 : Centre for Foundation Studies (Petaling jaya)

Assalamualaikum beautiful readers ;) As for today entry I will share my experience doing foundation in English course. Well first, I must say English was and never be my first choice . However, for some reasons you'd to face it though it never be your option ;)
I guess,  you must be curious and eager to know about my course and HOW I SURVIVE aite? hihihi. Well, to be frank I quite lost in the first 3 months because I cannot cope with the language subjects; as I need to study Arabic and English languages ( a requirement when you study in UIA). I have to make sure I exempted the papers as it will determine your study duration . Kiranya, kalau you exempted from Arabic / English paper SETAHUN je mereput dekat CFS tu okay hihihi. In my case, I exit English paper but not the Arabic. So, I'd to complete them when doing degree. Since my course was under Islamic Revealed Knowledge Human Science (IRKHS) Department, we must complete our Arabic language till level 5. Macam ni, kalau arab you pass sampai level 2 boleh sambung masa dekat main camp settlekan sampai level 5. TAPI kalau English mesti EXIT okay! Come on bands 6 je pun muehehehe. Cik esah dan kawan seperjuangan mereput satu tahun setengah lah dekat cfs tu..whoaaaaaa ...
CFS was my first ever hostel hahaha! Never study outside from Temerloh before and never live in hostel. It quite new for me ;) I still remember during Taaruf Week ( minggu orientasi) , we must woke up at 4 am to perform Qiamulail and Subh prayer. Ehem, I stayed in KC (Khadijah College) well, just imagine tonnes of students in one buildings ! Berebut2 tandas! just imagine, you're rushing and it 4 am in the morning..chaotic and arrghhhh.. end up daku mandi di tepian jamban muahaha sedih , sadis tak hengat! pipi tu boleh bergesel dengan mangkuk jamban tu okay ahahaha! Would keep this story for my daughters hahaha ;p 
So, basically doing foundation in English course it is quite interesting and fun ;). Well, at first, I felt miserable and give up. Almost ... almost wanted to run away from CFS and study culinary in FOOD INDUSTRY MALAYSIA  (FIM)  hahaha! hari-hari mengadu dekat timah, " Ma, adik tak boleh buat ni..susah.. (nangis sampai terbawak2 bawah shower) hahaha! but then, mother knew better and they never give up persuade hahaha.. lalalala
Orait, enough with those dramas now let me tell you about the courses and subjects. Well, I don't know if in the future the system change but if it still same, you can have this as a reference. When I'm doing foundation in English course, I need to take few introduction subjects for the core and also IRK (Islamic Revealed Knowledge) & HS (Human Science) subjects. It a compulsory yeah to take those two courses. During my time we had Basic Theme Al-Quran and hmmmm tak ingat lah hahaha while for HS we studied Creative & Critical Thinking (CCT), and Basic Method Writing (BMW). What I remember most, the core subjects; Introduction to Linguistic, Grammar, Drama, Oral Communication and that's it hahaha. Sikit je kan hahaha tapi pecah kepala sikit muehehehe hahaha tak lah tipu je ;)
My advice, please be prepared when you entered any institutions. No matter you doing your foundation/ matric or what ever. Please be extra prepared and get ready for any consequences. Do a bit research for everything. Contact the senior , browse information and yeah. Just did everything that you should. I guessed that's it. See you degree year! ;)

Centre for Foundation Studies, IIUM, Petaling Jaya
Searching for the 'soul' hahaha
We 'abide' the rules hahaha
Revise for English Placement Test (EPT)
Then only I know why they call class not a lecture room
sumpah ingat cam bilik kuliah okay hahaha
pengaruh drama kat tv kuat ni
Presenting for demonstrative presentation in
Oral Communication class
3 in 1 jar 
Demonstrative presentation
Drama class with Madam Adlina
I love her class ;)
Nasib student di perantauan
Went to Little Caliph Kindergarten for Linguistic class trip 

 Allahuakbar, this one is so tasteful
Ali B!
Milo tabur+kuah ayam madu= thorbaik
Thank you ustaz! exit jugak level 2 hahaha
Arabic class
Garden of knowledge and virtue
I thank Allah, for everything. Uia definitely not a mistake
My sayang's
Amirah, Farhanah, Syafiqah


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