Gathering ke kita

Assalamualaikum..hollaa..It has been awhile,,right emm maap la cik esah super busy throughout this semester..This is the only time I can update the blog hiuhiuhiu ;)

Orait this time entry quite special since I just meet and gather with my lovelies from CFS. It really touch me because we're longing to each others ahahaha,,nk ngaku belaka2 malu,,tapi jelas terpancar kat muka masing-masing hokay kihkih.

2 years back then, I still remember how passive ,quite and shy person I am while the rest're so loud and havoc..almaklum 1st year 1st sem,,budjek-budjek ayu pasif mcm ikan pari kan,,lalalla but now,,hmm kalah itik,,pok pek sana sini. Im that kind of person,sapa2 yg kenal cik esah,,mmg mula2 akan ckp eh budak ni diam je,,boring once da knal,,ewah cam joyah jual sayur kepohnya..

I love the Ukhwah we make which still hang till 703'll always remain special in my heart. You guys are too awesome lah,,each one has 'something' that win one's heart. Everyone plays the role so well and I'm so glad that I being apart of them.

Thank you everyone for make an effort to come for the reunion,despite what has happened but alhamdulilah we make it,yeay!

So here our few memories which have been captured yesterday :)
temanya biru haa gitu,,tapi aan nan ipah lari tema chait hihi

makan berhidang kat restoran blkg uia gombak je
hmm sedap.licin pinggan.
ikan stim ni sangat sedap

kepala-kepala berlapis macam kuih!

The Ladies

Cik esah & Cik fareena
hmmm monopod tripod stestekop

alia,hani berpisah tiada
sheera,syafikah berpisah tiada
cik esah beratkan moto ain jeah lah smlm kih2
ain bawak laju.cik esah suka laju hahahaha

din ngan paan forever soulmate,,dr cfs till now,,kamcheng gilak.
konvoi .eh!
nak balik ke markas masing2 dah

selfie 1
korang pose muka terserigai gg

Selfie 2
korang pose muka tengah bahagia

selfie 3
korang pose muka xde perasaan

selfie 4
korang pose muka kerek sehh

last one
korang cepat pose untuk mentua
HAHAHA cik esah rsa nk terguling mendengor hahaha

 alahai korang you guys just made my day super awesome..will miss this gathering and hoping for the next reunion soon..thank you for everything..cik esah sayang semuanya.fillah.ciao..assalamualaikum.. good night

Cik esah

  photo credit to


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