KOrban diet ke kita?

Assalamualaikum there..Alhamdulilah for a beautiful life that He granted to us,,
So how was your first day Eid Adha? I guess must be fun enough and surely everyone has theirs wonderful mutton mouthful party in the stomach hahahha.Alhamdulilah,Alhamdulilah.

 Today quite special because I really enjoy my Eid Adha with non stop eating and taking pictures! ahaha cik esah,,xkanlah xkenal,,ratu bergambar.ratu makan. 

The best part is me and my few cousins have been given chance to bring our dear wan to visit and celebrate Eid Adha with our relatives in the Kampung. I would say..It's a girl day out because I
 really have a great time with them. 

Ahaaa earlier today also,we're celebrating Umar Daniel who turns two today. A small celebration with beautiful people. Nice cake for sure hahaha. what more can I ask for kan..

emmm one more thing, I really eat lots today and most of the dishes have been
cooked by my darling mama..kalau macam ni hari2 raya pon xpe ma,,bawang yang adik potong berguni2 tu pon,,I xungkit,, hahaha,,Thank you for a wonderful and delicious meals,,especially your carbonara lasagne..it suits me well  ahahhaaha.

This year a bit different since my dear nani and siti are not around..in fact makcik and pakcik went for Hajj..so something is missing here. Anyhow,,looking forward for the next gathering with the rest.

I guess that is for the celoteh part..now enjoy the pictures okay :) Thank you for your time,say tune for the next post soon. Adios,Ciao.Assalamualaikum

manicure pedicure kuku
when you realized this'll be the last one,,
rasa nak menangis kesyukuran
Carbonara lasagne mama
one word..super delicious.
Xsempat second round.habis! I want more!
Nasi dagang
Ni masa dekat umah atok
King of the day
tokmak's signature
sup tulang,air asam,daging singgang

Nasi hujan panas
ni masa g blk kg bintang ptg tadi
Hello there
The Siblings
Donning with our mummies closets,
macam xpercayakan tersarung comel gitu halaha2

Madame Robiah
kemain serkup poteh nan kain batik

kak ngah and the anti social clan hahaha

Umar Daniel turns 2
Selalu disabotaj hahaha
Abang Qalessya
My better half
King Of my heart
The journey begins..

The House
cik biah and tok mak
!st shot
Cik Biah and tokmak
2nd Shot
Beautiful ride with beautiful ladies
Heading home,syukur To The Almighty Allah swt
such a memorable and wonderful day,alhamdulilah


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