hi tea ke kita

Evening walk
Assalamualaikum, Earlier today, I went to min"s house for "hi-tea" aceceh  hi-tea sgt hahaha. Ala minum2 petang kat umah cik yesemin..Having bubur  jagung with pearl' wah nama xmenahan. sedap gilos. To be frank, Min loves to cook and bake.  Just name it, and she will make one for you.

We share the same passion which is  haaa teka cepat.. hahaha
Insyaallah min, as I said before nanti bila kita agak2 dah bosan dengan kerjaya memasing,you buka bakery,,and I buka Florist hahahah.. mommies jangan marah na ;p

 Ora-it, nothing much to share on this enty..ops haa lupa pasal arnab, use to be bundles of them but has been given to friends and relatives. mahu x habis semua arnab2 tu, dah bagi ke sepupu sepapat jiran tertangga. hahaha..nama rabbit min special,, SALLY & SALLEH... tapi dua-dua tu dah xde..tinggal seekor ni je,,si albino cik esah panggil..

Min 's house is surrounded by the greenery landscape accompanied by eye-catching view besides the blossom of beautiful and fresh flowers enhance the serenity and relaxing mood.
Rasanya adik beradik ik ctimah memang suka landscape,bunga2 ni kot, hahahha..

Ora-it, that it..nah some pictures of food, bolat, me ,me, me AND me ! hahaha bye ! till we meet up again, soon inn sya Allah.

on our way to min's house
aiseeh macam dalam drama kan,,ambik gambor awan2,,suka sangat fefelin cik esah ni haha

once arrived, cik esah  grabs those sweet tooth
;buah mata kucing,,
heavenly sweet and
freshly picked by me

pleasantly smile in my happy tummy ahaks

I yg kutip, Bolat yg makan,chait ;p 

Finally, I'm free kakak
Hello, my name Albino
moment one
captured by min
moment two
captured by min
moment three
captured by min
moment four
captured by min
Hello there
my fav picture, I found this is artistic,
what do you think,ke mata I je masuk habuk hahaha,,

Bubur kacang mutiara sagu cik min.sedap.tu je nak cakap.

kuih apam & karipap cik esah bawak,beli je.;p

we're heading home,thank you kak min for
 a wonderful tea time and dessert
as well as our sweet cuddle kiss moment.
All those awesome pictures have been edited using http://www.picmonkey.com/


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