Uni life . Part 2 " Best x English Course ?"

Assalamualaikum! New entry tonight.. Wah Rajin ye cik esah.. selang 2 hari updates je ahaks ;p

Tarik nafas,It such a long entry,,x tipu
Are YOu ready??
Orait,on the mark,set. go.
Have fun
This time entry will talk about my uni life while in Gombak.. so far I just finishing my first year first sem in English course. By the way ,to make thing clear I'm not majoring in Tesl. Many people misunderstood in the way that ---> "oh aisyah,,u major apa? hmm I ambik English. oh Tesl eh,,jadi cikgu lah nanti".. I bet ni lah experience yg semua dak English akan lalui,, c'mon,, typical thought sgt.. hello  x semestinya major English course end up jd cikgu,, same goes kalo ambik Irk,,mst ramai yg akan judge,,hmm kluar2 nanti jd ustaz/ustazah lah ye,,

Ehm cik esah xmarah sekadar nak menyampaikan hasrat hati dak2 English,,since we've been through this kind of situation when people asking about our course..in fact during my foundation , Mdm Adlina my poetry lecturer has mentioned about this too. She felt annoyed esp when people misunderstood the course as she was in the uni back then.

By the way I'm majoring in  Bachelor of Human Science (English Language & Literature) or known as BEN-L. see tang mana TESL? TESL crita lain,,itu under department of education. Kami dak BEN under department IRKHS. nah for more details, click this http://www.iium.edu.my/irkhs/programmes/undergraduate/bhscenglish-language-literature 

So far, I'm not so into English yet after completing my foundation in PJ about year ago and now I  was about to complete my degree in this programme, what can I said, emm I love the course. Not badlah. hahaha.. Sometimes, I do cry in buckets and wish to turn back time because I want to major in accounting. tapi itulah jodoh xpjg nan nombor2 ni.. so stick tu language la hahaha..(gelak sambil kesat air mata) ;p

You love to read and write? You love to think and do some analyse? If YES.. YOU'RE  MOST WELCOME TO ENGLISH DEPARTMENT. This is my answer when people insists to major in English course. You really have to work hard in reading and writing. If you serious enough to major in this course every single day you need to deal with reading materials. EVERYDAY. Foundation up to degree ,same thing is happening where you need to do some reading,writing,critical thinking and analyzing. So how was it? Happy to hear hahaha that why, when my friends from different courses,they go this way ---> "wah bestnya jadi dak BEN, mst senang je kan,,ala belajar English,,mesti best xmacam kitaorg budak science,ada fizik,maths smua,,korang mesti RELAX je kan,blaja grammar,buat esei". My expression was like,,alahai dak ni bagi makan siku jugak kang hahaha,,geram tau. It's not that simple hokayyyy, we don't. It doesn't work that way. 

One thing you should know when you're in this prog you have to really work on your critical thinking. You really have to because when you do some reading, you need to think,analyse and do some reflection of the whole materials. So , I really suggest people out there who love language, if you are was so into this course, never feel bored when you were ask for completing the reading and writing session. Happy x dengar.. cik esah bukan nak takutkan siapa2, I telling you that this is how we working. It will be awesome when you enjoy the course esp when  rolling in drama and poetry class, haa linguistic as well. Presentation couldn't be missed for sure,group work as well emm class trip, acting. what more, emm haa writing your own poem, write your short story for drama class. Oral communication the most super freaking and exciting subject. Nak2 dpt mdm Adeeba or Sir Nazriq. SEE It still enjoyable and fun course. Xmati haih kerja membaca , wat esei tau. In fact, sharpen your skill writing and memory. ahaks.

sayangku, nothing in this world you can simply grab. mana2 course la,, there will always be a tough part and critical time esp when you try to adapt in the course. I get that feeling because when I was in Gombak for the first month, I'm doubting myself. I was like ---> "betul ke nak major english, betul boleh buat  ni" ,hari2 nangis diam2 ,ngadu kat timah,,ckp nk blaja masak2 hahaah . complain sokmo kat timah cakap susah la ma,adik x terer english,orang lain semua pointer gempak,,adik ni xpandai apa pon" timah tu sampai malas nak layan hahaha sbb since foundation dok ulang ayat ni lah,,hahahhahhah teruk kan,,cepat give up. Somehow, stick to this 'no matter how sorry you feel about yourself you're not that sorry'. Betul sgt quote ni, stop giving excuses. prove that you're good. See survive je kan,,habis dah pun satu sem,, final baru ni pointer xlah gempak mana,,tapi I can feel the difference. Lots of improvement I did. macam nilah jangan selalu rasa malang  dan paling penting xpayah nak rendah2 diri..chill je,,belajar..mmg take time untuk kita dapat apa yang kita nak. Work hard pay off later, kan?

Here pictures during my time in Pj and Gombak, hmm mostly the pictures talk about my subjects and classes hahaha.

poetry class
This is what we call analysing. Nampak x contengan tu sayang

Writing class
sumpah,menangis je belajar sub ni sbb stress
kena deal dgn term paper yg mmg menguji jiwa. haha
mula quiz dpt 1.5/10 last dpt 9/10
haa kau ghase? hahaaha

writing lagi
see every week you akan dapat reading materials.
seronok tapi sengsara jiwa sikit hahaha.k x tipu je.;p

Linguistic is not meant to me I guess,
somehow org tua cakap benda yg kita xsuka la
yg akan kamcheng dgn kita nanti. betul ke? I hope so

Hmm ni tengah lapar sangat baru lepas habis discussion
,nasiblah student,,kerepek je,haha
throwback (Foundation)
My very first ever masterpiece
First time writing poem for poetry class.
I get 7/10. hmm not bad. .

ahaha ni oral comm punya class
best sgt..presentation je kerjanya
see ,you still need to acting,,having so much fun in this class,xtipu
throwback( Foundation)
oral communication class
mdm addeba super freaking, sporting and cute lecturer
Din dok interview sambil perhatikan dak2 tu,
ni class trip untuk linguistic subject,
the project was about how children acquire knowledge

I guess, that it about the course and subject. now let me brief a little bit more about my campus. opps,penat ke baca,, I know this time entry quite long..hahaha but do I care?  hahaha

hmmmm GOmbak Campus, the most enchanting and beautiful place I ever seen. The environment, the community,the hostels (mahallah), THE FOODS, subhanaALLAH,  PERFECT ENOUGH. XTIPU. semuanya best,, well equipped, just name it.. everything has been prepared. kalau xbersyukur lagi belajar dekat situ tak tahu lah.

nah gambar2 sebagai bukti.xnak celoteh dah,

Main Entrance
how nice ..
masjid ni 3 tingkat..
selalu jadi port untuk menelaah, buat ibadat dan
tidur sejenak seketika haha

Part of the classes

Hello, we're from ABS
sebenarnya ada lagi  3 0rang tp
 itulah xpenah nah dapat ambik gambar complete.
innsyaallah nanti gather mesti semua ada :)

cik esah happy sgt sebab kelas smp petang!
camnilah student, xsempat makan,,rushing sana sini
okay ni odw g usrah,,tahu dok,,berlari ank
 kita nk smpai ke centre,,hahaha

best kat sini sebab sejuk,besar,cantik dan bertingakt2 haha
lepastu ley lelap2 sejenak seketika
kan student,xcukup tidur,,hahaha

throwback (masa 1st day daftar,sedih sangat sebab tinggalkan family)
aceceh ayat,,mcm jauh sgt blaja,,haha
ni que,, merangkap roomate
fefelin,,student..jalan bwh pokok,,ahakz
garden of knowledge and virtue
haa gitu taglinenye

teksi pon xnak berhenti kalo gini ropa tangannye mek
ni lah mahalah kita..mahalah ruqayah.
best gilak
ramai brothers mata biru hijau cekelat haha

ni lah bilik kita
semua ada,,biasalah cik esah kalau boleh semua nak angkut
bawak masuk gombak

ikut hati nak angkut semua haiwan2 buat kawan hahaha

comel x meja study kak ton
see, masuk sini semua dah ada

eleh macam dia sorang je exam,,hahaah
ni paling poyo
acah sedih sebab lama x balik hahaaha
Hye You
hari2 I beli chicken wrap u kan
  Mahallah Ruqayah je ada tau huhuhu

peah x mampu bang nak makan mewah2 mcm kita dulu2 kat PJ
tipah dah cakap ni je tipah mampu ;p
honey star berendam

all time fav
singgah cafe kat Ruqayyah pakat2 beli lemonade
murah ja 1 henget 6 kupang
NO matter what, Allah knows Best
and He has granted many good things in our life

orait, habis sudah,, panjang benor entry kali ni, tepat jam 2.30 pagi habis taip  ni. Hoping this entry helps you guys out there.. yang tertanya2 about my course, my uni and  my life being a student. Thank you for your time reading my blog, innsyaAllah will update soon. Adios!



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